Saturday, March 28, 2009

Statins - Side Effects, Resources, General Info

The "Stopped_Our_Statins" Yahoo health group is an excellent source of credible evidence related to the modern day low cholesterol theory of heart disease. I encourage you to join and contribute your input to this growing educational phenomenon and use its resources to educate yourself and others, including your doctors about the fallacy of cholesterol lowering to prevent coronary artery disease (CAD). You can be a part of an interactive and pro-active movement to counteract the prevalent nonsense being propagated by the medical mainstream and the media.

I have added several 'NEW' items under Credible Evidence which I consider to be significantly helpful. One, related to women, "Evidence for Caution: Women and statin use" in the 'Background' paragraph states:

"Women are also more vulnerable to health risks from medications. A review conducted by the US General Accounting Office of 10 prescription drugs withdrawn from the market (January 1997 to December 2000) indicated that eight of these posed greater health risks for women than men, in four cases because they were prescribed more often to women, and in the other four for reasons unknown. Six of these eight drugs caused heart problems in women."

The complete paper is worth the read!

Also, available here, An article in the Quartely Journal of Medicine proposing 'High cholesterol may protect against infections and atherosclerosis' by Uffe Ravnskov MD PhD.

Soon I hope to get and read Justin Smith's book "$29 Billion Reasons to Lie about Cholesterol" which will add to my growing library.

Justin Smith also wrote a 'Dear Doctor' letter that can help address your concern about cholesterol lowering drugs with your doctor. It is available as a Word document file here and is also listed under Credible Evidence on the right. Here are exerpts from that letter:

"Dear Doctor ____________________
I wish to raise the following concerns with you regarding your advice that I should lower my cholesterol with the use of statins or other medications.


I am concerned about the definition of ‘high’ cholesterol, since most adults naturally have a cholesterol level that is above the suggested target. Furthermore, records show that cholesterol levels in industrialised countries are decreasing, not increasing. What is being suggested as ‘high’ is in fact just normal in many cases.

I am also concerned by the fact that most people who have a heart attack have an average cholesterol level, not a high cholesterol level: this has been found during studies completed on people in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and America.


Note that the full letter as downloaded contains "clinical data" footnotes. Very valuable when presenting to your doctor!

And to close this post with a humerous cartoon from Stopped_Our_Statins humor section.

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