Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Why I won’t take statins for my high cholesterol - Julianne

In Summary, for those who took the statin for 5 years (with known heart disease):

Benefits in NNT
  • 1 in 83 were helped (life saved)
  • 1 in 39 were helped (preventing non-fatal heart attack)
  • 1 in 125 were helped (preventing stroke)
Harms in NNH
  • 1 in 100 were harmed (develop diabetes*)
  • 1 in 10 were harmed (muscle damage)

If you have had a heart attack and change your diet to a Mediterranean diet – you will get far more benefit than Statin drugs:

In Summary, for those who adhered to the Mediterranean diet:

Benefits in NNT
  • 1 in 18 were helped (preventing repeat heart attack)
  • 1 in 30 were helped (preventing death)
  • 1 in 30 were helped (preventing cancer)
Harms in NNH
  • None were harmed
And if you want to prevent heart disease the Mediterranean diet is also far more effective than statin drugs:
In Summary, for those who ate the Mediterranean diet:

Benefits in NNT
  • 1 in 61 were helped (avoiding a stroke, heart attack, or death)
Harms in NNH
  • None were harmed (diet effects)

Read the full article here.

Statins in the Drinking Water? - Packer

Statins in the Drinking Water?

by  MedPage Today

"Universal treatment for people at minimal risk means that a physician would need to treat more than 100 patients for 10 years to obtain an extra year of good health in one person. This marginal improvement does not meet most current standards for cost-effectiveness. The benefit is so small that it disappears if quality of life were even slightly diminished by the need to remember to take the drug daily."
"Treating every middle-aged person with a statin is the polar opposite of precision medicine.
Confused? You should not be. It is medicine that has gone insane."

Read the complete article here.